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» Buona Pasqua 2024!
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» Ciao a tutti
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» Avere 2 versioni della stessa base
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 Problema DGIV

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2 partecipanti
Turista Spaziale
Turista Spaziale

Numero di messaggi : 38
Località : Roma
Data d'iscrizione : 06.10.12

DGIV - Problema DGIV Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Problema DGIV   DGIV - Problema DGIV EmptySab 6 Ott 2012 - 14:10

Ragazzi aiuto..come carico una missione con il DGIV va in crash orbiter mi succede solo con questo add on.. posto il log..

**** Orbiter.log
Build Aug 30 2010 [v.100830]
Timer precision: 4.88848e-007 sec
Found 0 joystick(s)
Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module D3D9Client.dll ........ [Build 120919, API 100830]
Module AeroBrakeMFD.dll ...... [Build ******, API 100830]
>>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: oapiRegisterMFDMode
At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
future versions of Orbiter.
Module Attitude4MFD.dll ...... [Build 121004, API 100830]
Module InterMFD55.dll ........ [Build 100826, API 100704]
Module LaunchMFD.dll ......... [Build 120519, API 100830]
Module Map3DMFD.dll .......... [Build 101102, API 100830]
Module OrbiterSound.dll ...... [Build ******, API 060425]
Module uap.dll ............... [Build 110613, API 100830]

**** Creating simulation session
D3D9Client: [DirectX 9 Initialized]
D3D9Client: Sytem has XNA math support
D3D9Client: [3DDevice Initialized]
D3D9Client: [Compiling Effects for Shader Model 3.0]
D3D9Client: [Loading Stars]
D3D9Client: [Loading Constellations]
D3D9Client: [D3D9Client Initialized]
Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module EarthAtmJ71G.dll ...... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 100830, API 100830]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 100830, API 100830]
Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 100217, API 100215]
Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
Module Io.dll ................ [Build 100217, API 100215]
Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 100217, API 100215]
Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 100217, API 100215]
Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 100217, API 100215]
Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 100215, API 100212]
Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 100215, API 100212]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 100830, API 100830]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
Finished initialising world
Module DeltaGliderIV.dll ..... [Build ******, API 060425]
Finished initialising status
Finished initialising camera
Finished initialising panels
>>> WARNING: CWD modified by module OrbiterSound - Fixing.
Finished setting up render state
Loaded 0 textures for Earth_cloud.tex
Orbiter Version 100830
D3D9Client Build [Sep 19 2012]
Exception Code=0xC0000005, Address=0x00412958
EAX=0x03D2E3B0 EBX=0x0C990024 ECX=0x00000000 EDX=0x00000400 ESI=0x00000000 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0CB7F468 ESP=0x009FF410 EIP=0x00412958
C:\Users\Daniele\Documents\Orbiter2010\modules\server\orbiter.exe EntryPoint=0x004ACFAC, Base=0x00400000, Size=2097152
Critical exception in gc->RegisterVisObject(0xC24B040, 0x3DA74B8) (GL-01).
VesselClass Name = DeltaGliderIV
!!! Abnormal Program Termination !!!

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Numero di messaggi : 4744
Età : 60
Località : Roma
Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10

DGIV - Problema DGIV Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Problema DGIV   DGIV - Problema DGIV EmptySab 6 Ott 2012 - 19:40

Il DGIV-2 non è compatibile con il D3D9...(ancora per poco).
Prova a lanciare lo stesso scenario con orbiter.exe, e non con orbiter_ng.exe.
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Turista Spaziale
Turista Spaziale

Numero di messaggi : 38
Località : Roma
Data d'iscrizione : 06.10.12

DGIV - Problema DGIV Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Problema DGIV   DGIV - Problema DGIV EmptySab 6 Ott 2012 - 20:48

Grazieee provo...
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Contenuto sponsorizzato

DGIV - Problema DGIV Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Problema DGIV   DGIV - Problema DGIV Empty

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Problema DGIV
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