Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Dom 16 Set 2012 - 0:24 | |
| Appena postato da Dansteph sul suo forum francofono: Tutti i suoni saranno 3D di default e si potranno ridefinire senza nessuna programmazione. Le opzioni saranno in un file di configurazione come questo: - Codice:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ORBITER 4.0 (3D) - SOUND CONFIGURATION FOR VESSEL CLASS // ------------------------------------------------------- // // IMPORTANT NOTE: // // -Line with '//' before are commented (inactive), uncomment and set value if you want to use them. // // -Sound configuration filename can be found in "Orbiter/OrbiterSound_Log.txt" you'll // have a message "Info: No sound config found for class: XXXXXX". Create and name your file // "XXXXXX.cfg". If you replace sounds "XXXXXX" will be also the name of the folder that must // contain your wavs in "Orbiter/Sound/". // // -This config file have higher priority over programmation and user settings. ie: You can therefore // overwrite one addon's C++ settings and sounds and also user's settings. // // -Make sure to read each section's header, it explain all you have to know about parameters. // // -If you have any problem (eg: sound not playing) remember to take a look in OrbiterSound's log // located in the main Orbiter's directory. (OrbiterSound_Log.txt) // // -Good sound can enhance the visual by 1000%, so take time and test, test and test again. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DISPLAYDEBUGHELP =true // This write many info in the OrbiterSound_Log.txt to help you // develloping your sound addon: Camera offset, parameters found etc. // A screen display "SOUND DEBUG ON" show to recall to disable this // display before release.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General option for vessel // ------------------------- // While somes settings are very usefull some make sense only // into C++ SDK because for example disabling main thrust is // used by authors to play manually custom engines (which you cannot do). // In anyway here they are all, even the useless might prove their utility in the future. // Note: -parameters have the same name than in C++ SDK // -Those setting overwrite C++ SDK and user's setting. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PLAYCOUNTDOWNWHENTAKEOFF =false // the countdown of apollo11 when you take off //PLAYWHENATTITUDEMODECHANGE =true // play "rotation" "linear" sound when you change mode //PLAYGPWS =true // the GPWS sound //PLAYMAINTHRUST =true // main thrust sound //PLAYHOVERTHRUST =true // the hover thrust sound //PLAYATTITUDETHRUST =true // the attitude thrust sound //PLAYDOCKINGSOUND =true // the docking sound and radio //PLAYRADARBIP =true // the radar bip when near another vessel //PLAYWINDAIRSPEED =true // the wind airspeed when atmosphere //PLAYDOCKLANDCLEARANCE =true // the landing clearance you can hear bellow 3000m or near a station //PLAYLANDINGANDGROUNDSOUND =true // Rolling, landing, speedbrake, crash sound //PLAYCABINAIRCONDITIONING =true // play the air conditionning sound //PLAYCABINRANDOMAMBIANCE =true // play the random pump and rumble sound //PLAYWINDAMBIANCEWHENLANDED =true // play the wind sound when landed //PLAYRADIOATC =true // play the atc radio sound //DISPLAYTIMER =false // display the timer text at the bottom of the screen when you take-off
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replace default sound of vessel // ------------------------------- // Here you can replace many sounds of the vessel with your own. // // IMPORTANT: All your custom wav must be placed in "Sound/[VesselclassName] folder. // Example: "Sound/DeltaGlider/" for Deltaglider.cfg. // ELSE THEY WILL NOT LOAD. (create the folder if it doesn't exist) // // ALL sounds must be PCM (uncompressed) wav 16 bits, OrbiterSound is set to // play at 22050hz, so higher frequency is only a waste of place. // // Some sounds frequency are controlled by OrbiterSound, this is the case for // example of the main engine which is played at differents frequency in // internal or external view. Before replacing a sound it's a good idea to // look the frequency of the default wav. (in "Sound/Vessel") // // Note: -parameters have the same name than in C++ SDK // -If you don't know what a sound is for launch Orbiter/SoundConfig.exe and click "test" buttons /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
REPLACE_MAIN_THRUST = main.wav // MUST BE STEREO FOR GOOD RESULT IN 3D (and 2d) REPLACE_HOVER_THRUST = hover.wav REPLACE_AIR_CONDITIONNING = aircond.WAV // MUST BE STEREO FOR GOOD RESULT IN 3D (and 2d) //REPLACE_RCS_THRUST_ATTACK = //REPLACE_RCS_THRUST_SUSTAIN = //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_1 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_2 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_3 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_4 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_5 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_6 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_7 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_8 = // played only mono in 3d. //REPLACE_COCKPIT_AMBIENCE_9 = // played only mono in 3d. REPLACE_MODE_ROTATION = translation.wav // mono, radio play "rotation" when you change rcs mode REPLACE_MODE_TRANSLATION = rotation.wav // Mono, radio play "translation" when you change rcs mode
REPLACE_WIND_AIRSPEED = // MUST BE STEREO FOR GOOD RESULT IN 3D (and 2d) REPLACE_LAND_TOUCHDOWN = // Mono wheel ground contact (skreech) REPLACE_GROUND_ROLL = // Mono or stereo roll on ground sound. REPLACE_WHEELBRAKE = // Mono or stereo the wheelbrakes sound REPLACE_CRASH_SOUND = // Mono or stereo, the crash sound REPLACE_DOCKING = // Mono or stereo the docking sound REPLACE_UNDOCKING = // Mono or stereo the undocking sound REPLACE_RADIOLANDCLEARANCE = // Mono the "your are cleared to land" announce REPLACE_DOCKING_RADIO = // Mono the docking radio announce REPLACE_UNDOCKING_RADIO = // Mono the undocking radio announce REPLACE_RADAR_APPROACH = // Mono, the 2001 Odyssey "bip" REPLACE_RADAR_CLOSE = // Mono, the 2001 Odyssey close "bip"
REPLACEALLGPWSSOUND = true // Mono, if true you must provide all the 12 GPWS sound in your folder. // (ie: -10.wav, to -2500.wav see "/vessel/" folder)
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3d sound position // ------------------------------- // By default the 3d positions of the sounds are calculated, for example the main engine position // is an average of all main thrusters and the two sounds (stereo) are offseted left and right // for a better result. // // But the calculation might be innacurate so you can fix here the position. // // Some other sounds position are calculated in "Pseudo random position" this mean // vessel's class name is used to generate a random position wich is always the same. // eg: The position of the radio sound will always be the same for a vessel type. (logic, // the radio instrument don't move in reality but it might be different for another vessel type) // // The ambients sound are also automatically spread in "pseudo random position". // (pump and switch don't move also) // // Sound position are in X,Y,Z LOCAL VESSEL COORDINATE (internal cockpit sound must take in account // the camera offset position, see debug parameter in top of this config file to get its value). // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//3dMainThrustLeftPosition ={0,0,0}{0,0,0} // first parm is cockpit internal position, second is external //3dMainThrustRightPosition ={0,0,0}{0,0,0} // first parm is cockpit internal position, second is external //3dMainAircondtLeftPosition ={0,0,0} // stereo, by default the two channels are in front of default cockpit view. //3dMainAircondRightPosition ={0,0,0} // stereo, by default the two channels are in front of default cockpit view. //3dCockpitAmbience1Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience2Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience3Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience4Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience5Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience6Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience7Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience8Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dCockpitAmbience9Position ={0,0,0} // mono pseudo random position by default. //3dRadioPosition ={0,0,0} // Radio position (ATC chatter, announces), else it's pseudo random position. //3dGPWSPosition ={0,0,0} // GPWS position, else it's pseudo random position.
OrbiterSound 4.0 sarà fornito di suoni custom per il DeltaGlider e lo ShuttleA. Anche il cockpit 3D dell'Arrow Freighter avrà i suoni in 3D.
In pratica si tratta di "audio posizionale": giriamo la testa/visuale, ed il suono mantiene la stessa direzione di provenienza. Se si ha il TrackIR, o sistemi simili, l'effetto è parecchio affascinante.
Ultima modifica di ripley il Ven 12 Ott 2012 - 10:39 - modificato 1 volta. | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Mer 10 Ott 2012 - 17:42 | |
| ...Ed ecco la prima versione (ALPHA) della documentazione!!!! | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Mar 23 Ott 2012 - 10:54 | |
| Si sta per aprire la betatest pubblica di OrbiterSound 4.0 3D.
Se qualcuno vuole, può registrarsi sul forum di Dansteph e mandargli un PM con la richiesta. Tra i tester, Dansteph vorrebbe anche (ma non solo) sviluppatori di add-on.
- Tra le ultime implementazioni realizzate, si possono ora aggiungere suoni agli switch dei VC se questi si muovono. - ZERO programmazione richiesta. - Tutto funziona in base a file di configurazione, un po' come la flotta XR.
Documentazione aggiornata:
Thread di sviluppo: | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Mer 24 Ott 2012 - 12:21 | |
| Qualcuno pensa di partecipare (leggi post precedente)? Dansteph mi ha mandato un PM per confermare la mia partecipazione, quindi ci siamo! | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Sab 27 Ott 2012 - 8:19 | |
| Il betatest è partito, ho appena scaricato la nuova versione!! | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Sab 10 Nov 2012 - 21:48 | |
| Rilasciata la prima Release Candidate di OrbiterSound 4.0 3D (installabile sopra alla vecchia versione). | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Sab 17 Nov 2012 - 23:36 | |
| Anche se non sto partecipando molto a questo betatest per mancanza di tempo, volevo dirvi che Dansteph ha appena rilasciato la seconda e ultima Release Candidate. Nella precedente RC non sono usciti fuori bug preoccupanti, solo piccole cose già sistemate.
Se quest'ultima RC va bene, come è presumibile, il rilascio è vicino! Preparatevi per 52Mb di OrbiterSound 4!! | |
Ripley Admin
Numero di messaggi : 4744 Età : 60 Località : Roma Data d'iscrizione : 12.07.10
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! Lun 19 Nov 2012 - 13:54 | |
| Ecco il test pubblico del nuovo OrbiterSound!
Segnalate su quello stesso thread gli eventuali bug. | |
Contenuto sponsorizzato
| Titolo: Re: OrbiterSound 4.0 avrà i suoni in 3D! | |
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